Thursday, November 4, 2010

It's A Small Jewish World Afterall! La La Laaa!!

So I have a little funny story to tell you all! Just when I thought the world couldn't get any did!

I was working in a group for a project with a few girls I have known for quite some time now and a few others who I have recently met.  One other girl in my group "Dalia" is Jewish and we have become friends over the course of the project. In speaking about random people we know around NYC during one of our group meetings we came the the conclusion that we had once dated the same guy..."Joey"! Luckily, we both dated him at different times and for different amounts of time! All we could do was laugh hysterically when exchanging stories of this one guy, because well, if you knew'd understand the humor in this! The other girls in the group were looking at us like we had five heads, but it was just so funny!

Later that week we went out with some friends of mine for drinks. We continued to talk about our dating experiences around good ol' Manhattan and how some of the guys she was speaking of....I sort of knew and visa versa. Exchanging stories about dating with friends is always fun especially when you can actually understand the reasons as to why we both stopped seeing that particular guy!

NYC is such a small city especially in the Jewish community! I feel like everyone in one way or another, knows everyone! JEWISH GEOGRAPHY MUCH???? But in a way I think it can be a good thing! Unless you have some nasty rumors that are being spread around about you, than no this isnt good. But if in the terms of feeling a sense of connection to other people like yourself, in your community...why fight it?

Anyway getting back to Dalia and My dating similarities! A lot of the guys we talk about happen to be from Jdate....go figure! Not all, but some! That is is even a smaller world in the Jewish dating spectrum. You have no idea how many times I will go out with friends and bump into someone who I have either spoken to or have recognized off of that site. Now, this isn't a bad thing, it is just sometimes awkward. After-all, who wants to be recognized for being a serial Jdater? Not me!! The other day this exact discussion went on between me and a few of my girlfriends who are on Jdate. After the conversation Dalia text me saying to she was going on one date....and while walking to the restaurant she bumped into another guy she had gone on a date or two with a while back...from yes, you guessed it.....Jdate!
This week alone I saw 2 guys that I had spoken to a few weeks ago, on Jdate in two of the most random places....Grand Central Station after coming back from the Brooks Brother's tie factory in Long Island City and at a mutual friends Halloween party. What are the odds! It sometimes freaks me out...but I just then come back to the realization that....


  • has any of this every happened to you? 
  • have you and your friend ever dated the same guy at some point in time and found out about it later on? 
  • Have you ever bumped into a guy you spoke to off of Jdate randomly?
Let us know your stories!

 Kiss Kiss, Hug Hug;

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